The Deckchair Dandies visit Barry Island

Cabaret, Corporate, Entertainment, Festivals, In The Press, Street Entertainment, Summer

The Deckchair Dandies enjoying Barry Island

The sun was out, the sky was blue, so what were The Deckchair Dandies to do? Go to Barry Island of course, and what a marvellous time they had! So much fun in fact, these two dapper chaps are rather hoping to visit many more seaside resorts throughout the coming summer. Let us know if you’d like a visit in your area, and keep your eyes peeled!

In the meantime, Barnaby and Simeon are still working their way through their ice-cream in a race to see who gets the end of the cornet.

The video presented here has not been commissioned by any Barry Island business or the Vale of Glamorgan council. We are pleased to say though, that we can thoroughly recommend the joys of the location, and would like to thank Homemade Wales ( for their support on creating this little bit of fun. We hope you enjoy.